Website Newly Launched
On November 21, the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF) launched the “Nuclear Industrial Directory of Japan” (formerly “Buyer’s Guide”), a website created for connecting its member companies with overseas companies.
As a tactic to promote international business matchmaking, every other year in the past, we published the “Buyers’ Guide”, an English booklet to introduce the products and services of our member companies to overseas markets. This time around, in order to stimulate business activities in a more strategic and effective way, we are excited to introduce the website version with enhanced convenience.
Its goal is to provide a more convenient platform than before for as many people involved in businesses of the nuclear industry as possible, enabling them to take advantage of its benefits. In addition to introducing information on JAIF member companies, there is a registration-required Bulletin Board for companies outside of Japan to post comments such as procurement needs to JAIF member companies.
If you are a company outside of Japan and would like to connect with a potential Japanese business partner , sign up today to expand your business horizons.
当協会会員企業の製品及びサービスを海外向けにご紹介する「バイヤーズガイド(冊子、英語版)」を隔年で編集し発行して参りましたが、この度、2022年11月21日付にて、より利便性を高めた”Nuclear Industrial Directory of Japan”としてウェブサイトを開設いたしました。
会員企業の情報を掲載しているだけでなく、海外企業等から調達ニーズを紹介するページ(Bulletin Board)を設けています。