Nihonbashi Honcho Square, 1-2-6, Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023, Japan
We, at Tomiyama Pure Chemical Industries, supply high-purity chemical products that we pursue together with our customers with all our originality and technical capability.
We supply excellent quality products manufactured to suit the conditions of customer uses with high reliability to obtain full customer satisfactions.
We can also assist our customers in developing and improving products with a quick-wheeling development system.
We are ready to undertake joint research and development projects with customers as well.
We supply boric acid for the cooling water used in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs), while also supplying boric acid and borates for Boiling Water Reactors(BWRs) in case an emergency stop is required. Our super high purity boric acid includes extremely few impurities, so it can prevent the degradation of casks and other difficult-toreplace equipment used around nuclear reactors, thereby extending the service life of such equipment.
In order to make the lives of residents living near nuclear power plants safer, and for peaceful utilization of stable, affordable, and clean nuclear power, and for safety operation of nuclear power plants, our boric acid and borates are playing important indispensable roles.
We established our new plant in Kamisu City, Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan.
The plant exclusively for manufacturing super high purity boric acid was also newly established.