Orano is a major player in nuclear fuel cycle products and services. From mining to dismantling, conversion, enrichment, recycling, logistics and engineering.
For more than 50 years, Orano has been a major partner to the Japanese nuclear industry:

Front End activities in Japan:

Orano is the reference supplier and a reliable partner of all Japanese electric power companies for Uranium concentrates, conversion, and enrichment services supply.
The first Uranium supply contract with a Japanese utility was signed in 1970. Since then, Orano’s supply to Japanese nuclear reactors fleet has grown steadily in scope and quantity.
Thanks to its local dedicated team and its partnership with Sojitz, Orano aims at ensuring best-in-class services to all Japanese Utilities,
All Japanese Utilities hold at least one active contract with Orano who has been reliably implementing its contracts, never missing a delivery to ensure full security of supply for its customer.
Existing Partnership in Enrichment Business (Investment of Kansai Electric, Tohoku Electric, Kyushu Electric. and Sojitz in Orano’s Georges Besse II plant) further strengthen Orano’s partnership with Japanese companies.
Back End activities in Japan:

- Support for operators: A continuous technical support to JNFL aiming at the commercial start-up of the Rokkasho-Mura Plants (RRP and J-MOX). Orano Cycle Japan Projects provides Operational Support to JNFL plants, together with Orano engineers on our La Hague and Melox sites, while the JV RECO is involved in manufacturing and sales of specific mechanical and process monitoring equipment, supply of engineering and maintenance services for RRP.
- Used fuel management: Orano provides a whole range of nuclear used fuel management services including transport and reprocessing to its La Hague facility and dry storage solutions through its JV TNT. Arising wastes and valuable material are sustainably managed by Orano according to Japanese nuclear operators plans.
- MOX fabrication and services: Orano manages Plutonium arising from reprocessing of Japanese used fuel in France and manufactures MOX fuels according to Japanese Utilities plans. Orano also provides MOX transportation services to Japan.
- Dismantling and Waste management: Orano participates to Japanese nuclear sustainability by providing foreign and domestic dismantling and wastes management services to Japanese industry. Orano is notably sharing French directly and collaboration with our partner MHI.
- Fukushima Site Remediation: Our group and in close collaboration with TEPCO worked around the clock to design, deliver, install and commission a water decontamination facility. As a result, no overflow of contaminated water to the ocean and 80 000 tons of highly radioactive water decontaminated by mid-September 2011. Since that time, Orano is supporting TEPCO in its site remediation.
Orano is also acting in the Nuclear Medicine field. (Orano Med)

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