Corporate Information
Nuclear Engineering and Services Company (GNESC) was established in 2015 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of JAPC*1 and has extensive and proven expertise in maintenance of nuclear power stations, radiation control, operation of nuclear power stations and auxiliary facilities, development and maintenance of IT application software, etc.
*1: The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) is an electric power company which owns and operates two nuclear power stations in Japan and has a leading role as a pioneer in nuclear power through various projects.
Nuclear Engineering
GNESC has been working together with JAPC to challenge new business fields as a pioneer of nuclear power company.
Our technical fields are as follows:
- Core management analysis: We have specialists for calculating the reactor core characteristics and planning the core designs for both BWR and PWR.
- Development of PRA model for Nuclear Power Plant:
PRA (Probabilistic Risk Assessment) is today mandatory in the countries with nuclear power plants.
We can provide a PRA model and results for your nuclear power plants.
- Radiation analysis: We have specialists for calculating radioactivity inventory evaluation using ORIGEN, GIP and SCALE systems.
- Development of nuclear power plant simulator: Our full-scope classroom simulator has both BWR and PWR models for operator team training, and it provides realtime simulation of accurate condition of the reactor core, balance of plant and instrumental reaction with user operation.
The classroom simulator is ideal for education for engineers of electric power companies, nuclear administration staff of government agencies and students in nuclear engineering.
Information Service
GNESC provides various IT solutions to nuclear-related organizations as well as JAPC.
Our services include the following:
- Development of the customized OA systems that specializes in nuclear power business
- Computer and telecommunication infrastructures’ design, installation, operation and maintenance including network security and protection
- Document management including development and operation of the management system and digitization of the documents
- Consulting on the development of business continuity plan
- Education of computer literacy
- Sales and lease of computers, network equipments and software