Corporate Information
Hazama Ando Corporation (Ad-hzm) General Contractors, Architects & Engineers marks more than 110 years of growth as one of Japan’s leading companies. Ad-hzm’s role in the construction of large-scale civil and public works helps to improve the total infrastructure of many countries. The company also has been engaged in designing and construction of nuclear power plants since 1960’s.
Tsukuba technical research institute of Ad-hzm established in 1992 continuously produces new architects and engineering technologies. The outputs contribute to the progress and safety of nuclear industries.
Main Activities
1. Construction Works
- Nuclear power plants (NPPs)
Ad-hzm has been engaged in the construction works constantly since 1966 in 18 NPP sites Main works are of reactor, turbine and rad-waste building, circulating water intake or discharge culvert and other concrete structures.
- Other plant/facility/laboratory of nuclear fuel, RI or accelerator concerned
Construction and engineering of nuclear fuel cycle plant, radioactive waste treatment facility, and hospital or laboratory with radiation shielding system is the important activity of us.
2. Diagnosis and Design Works
- Health monitoring and diagnosis of aging or damaged facility
(e.g. Assessing cracks on concrete structures by digital photo image; file/04. pdf, in Japanese)
- Earthquake – resistant design of building, circulating water intake or discharge culvert, concrete structure, foundation, slope etc.
3. Research and Development
- Consignment Study
Ad-hzm has contracted R&Ds from Japanese public organizations (JAEA, RWMC, JNES, NUMO etc.) and also from private companies (electric company, plant maker, JNFL, TEPSCO etc.). In the field of radioactive waste disposal the total number of consignments FY1991-2015 is about 300, the sum is over 3 billion yen.
- Independent Study
Ad-hzm has been continuing the own R&D. Results are published in “Technical Research Report of Ad-hzm Corporation”.
1. Large Scale Test for Earthquake-resistant Technology
High-performance shaking table can accommodate specimens up to a weight of 784kN and Maximum acceleration is X:1G Y:3G Z:1G (with 343kN specimen). The facility can carry out vibration tests on any type of structure, controlling both horizontal axes and vertical axes simultaneously.

2. Radiation Shielding Technology
Ad-hzm researches radiation protection systems for facilities such as hospitals, and is developing new materials and rational systems.

3. R&D for Radioactive Waste Disposal [LLW, TRU, HLW etc.]
Ad-hzm is contributing to the safety disposal of radioactive waste. Concerning design and construction of artificial barrier and bentonite buffer material, laboratory experiments, monitoring and total consultants are available.