Nuclear Industrial Directory of Japan

Nuclear Industrial Directory of Japan

Framatome Head office: 1 Place Jean Miller – Tour Areva 94200 Courbevoie France
Framatome Japan K.K. office: Redondo Bldg. 2F, 2-21-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052

Contact Person
1. Mr. Vincent BESSIRON, President / 2. Ms. Kyoko KISHITA, Business Liaison Manager

Corporate Information

For more than 60 years, Framatome’s teams have been involved in designing nuclear power plants, supplying nuclear steam supply systems, designing and manufacturing components and fuel assemblies, integrating instrumentation and control systems, and servicing all types of nuclear reactors. Framatome and its 17,000 employees are committed every day to help customers supply ever cleaner, safer and more economical low-carbon energy.

Our activities

Our worldwide presence

17,000 employees (> 2000 hirings per year)

60+ sites* (*Locations have multiple sites)

Framatome’s operational activities in Japan

Framatome collaborates with all nuclear companies in Japan: utilities, makers, research institutes …

Framatome Japan K.K.

Framatome Japan K.K. was created on January 1st, 2021, with the following objectives:

We have two offices in Akasaka (Zirconium trading team, logistics) and Toranomon (representation, products and services to the nuclear fleet).