Head, International Relations Department, National Radioactive Waste Management agency (ANDRA)
Daniel DELORT obtained his master degree in Geology and Geophysics in 1988 at Paris University.
Prior to 2004 Daniel was involved in site investigations and design activities for geological storage for Oil & Gas products in France, China, India, Spain, Belgium, Egypt, South Korea and other locations around the world. He developed skills and knowledge of a large variety of potential host rocks as salt, limestone, metamorphic and crystalline formations.
Daniel joined Andra in 2004 to complete the design studies of the French Deep Geological Repository (DGR) for HLW and SNF in Granite and prepare, as the main writer, the “General Architecture Report (TAG) for the 2005 national milestone.
From 2006 to 2010, Daniel was the lead engineer in charge of designing HLW disposal cells in clay formation and waste package transfer systems in the repository. In 2010 he was promoted to Performance Manager of Cigéo to develop and implement the “initial technical specification” of the DGR. In 2012, he joined the international division of Andra as project manager (South Korea, Belgium, and Ukraine). Since November 2019 he is the head of the International Relations Department of Andra.