KATO Takuto
4th Year Undergraduate Student, Mechanical Systems Engineering Robotic Life Support Lab, Tokyo City University
I am a senior in college who loves robots. I have always been physically weak, and due to a chronic illness, I did not attend middle school or high school very much. Because of this, I am a science student who has not taken Math IIB, Physics, or Chemistry, which is a bit unusual.
Since entering university, I have studied and built many things as a reaction. I went to National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) to make semiconductors, went to Nagoya University to make microfluidic devices, and so on. I am currently making robots, operating systems, smartphone apps, and so on. I have also tried my hand at making neural networks.
I enjoy going to strange (or fun) places, so I go to Tohoku University to use neutron and ion beams, measure sunlight deep in the mountains of Tajimi, Gifu, and calibrate measurement data, visit the nuclear reactors at Kyoto University, and so on.
My tone is a bit jokey, but I am grateful to the nuclear field for providing me with various interesting opportunities. I also think the nuclear field is very interesting, not to sound pompous, but I think it is a very interesting field. Nuclear-like nuclear energy” such as reaction cross sections is interesting, but even if I mention one technology such as BNCT, for example, it is deeply related to other fields. While looking at society as a whole, such as the nuclear material cycle and nuclear power plants, there are also things to consider without neglecting the scientific theory at our feet. I joined this conference in the hope that I, who am on the fringes of the robotics world, can offer something to everyone in the field of nuclear energy, which is a comprehensive engineering field with deep roots.