YAMAJI Akifumi
Professor, Cooperative Major in Nuclear Energy, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Akifumi Yamaji is the professor of the Cooperative Major in Nuclear Energy of Waseda University. His current research scope covers designing and analyzing the advanced and current nuclear reactor behaviors under various conditions, including severe accidents, through:
- Conceptual development of the Generation IV water cooled reactors (Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor: SCWR)
- Fuel performance modeling of accident tolerant fuels
- Accident progression analyses of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants
- Advanced simulation of the nuclear core meltdown behavior with particle method
He was a Nuclear Scientist of the Nuclear Energy Agency, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA) (2011-2014) and Research Engineer of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (2006–2014). He holds Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo.